How to earn money by clicking google ads

  Nowadays there are many ways for passive income to the point people are distracted between all these methods. In this article we will discuss how to earn money by clicking google ads.

Social media and digital marketing is a huge market for income. And one of the major ways to do that is by using google ads. We will tell you how to earn money by clicking google ads and impressions on your site. All you need is to sign up to google AdSense and start your journey towards passive income.   

Related: How much can you earn from AdSense on blogger 


How to earn money by clicking google ads

How to earn money by clicking google ads

There are many factors affecting your income from google AdSense. You can imagine that you have a blog and you are posting regularly on it. 

After connecting this blog to google ads you will find ads starting to appear on your blog. The amount of money you will generate from these ads depends on if the visitors of your site are clicking these ads or not.

Google ads will give you money based on clicks, impressions and traffic to your site. 


Ways of increasing your income from google ads 

People are asking how to earn money by clicking google ads. The next question is how to increase their income as at the beginning the income is so minimal. 

One of the best ways to increase your income is using sponsored content. This way will increase your income about 10 times. 

After a while on your site you have built trust between you and visitors; Many brands will reach you out to speak up about their content. 

You can earn up to 1000$ from one brand. And the more you write and build an audience and trust, the more your income will increase. 


The advantages of google AdSense

Before starting the journey of how to earn money by clicking google ads, you need to know the pros and cons. 

There is huge number of publishers and advertisers on google ads there is over 10 million users on it so far. 

There is high level of security and safety. There is transparency between publishers and advertisers. 

You can use you google analytics easily to track every single action on your site and google account.

There is huge variety of formats on google ads you can use.  You can use texts images and videos. 


How dose AdSense work

How to earn money by clicking google ads

How to earn money by clicking google ads is quite easy. All you need to do is signing up for google AdSense. After creating your account, you will insert codes to your site and that’s all you need to start.

After that, google will display targeted ads to your site. And what’s better is that google AdSense will automatically choose customized adds to your content.  

Google AdSense works mainly on a cost per click and revenue sharing basis. Which means now you know what to do, you need to provide as much clicks to those ads to generate more money. 

Never try to cheese google to increase number of clicks on your site. 

Conclusion: How to earn money by clicking google ads is quite easy. All you need is to sign up for free and create google account. After that you will be paid per click and on a share basis. 

