Computer hardware software and what are their components of them ?

Computer hardware software, the computer is an important part of our daily life at present in all fields, and it is used in various life matters, whether in entertainment, work, education, and other important tasks, but all those who deal with the computer need to know how to use it and deal with some of its components.

And differentiating between them, to identify all the details and solve the problems you face while using the computer,

A computer is an electronic device that has the tremendous ability to receive and exchange data, make modifications, and process it quickly, while converting it into the information of great value and importance.

 The computer is used to store media and other tasks that the computer enters into our daily lives.

watch also Internet Browser

Computer hardware software

The computer is an important part of our daily life at present in all fields, and it is used in various life matters,

 Whether in entertainment, work, education, and other important tasks,

But all those who deal with the computer need to know how to use it and deal with some of its components.

 And differentiating between them, to identify all the details and solve the problems you face while using the computer,

The term hardware and software is one of the important terms that are used in dealing with the computer.

What are the components of Computer hardware software?


Computer hardware software

It is one of the important devices inside the computer, which can be seen with the naked eye and dealt with directly.

It is also one of the basic components of the computer and among the hardware components:

Input Devices: They are devices that help users to enter data to process it and convert it into information, including:

  • Keyboard: It is an input tool that has many different buttons, which include letters, symbols, and signs that are used in the computer input process and used in writing.
  • Mouse: It is one of the small devices in the computer.
  • Microphone: A device that is added to a computer for input and control of sounds.
  • Camera: through which photos and videos are sent and social networking is exchanged.
  • Scanner: This scanner reads all documents and optical files and sends them directly to the computer in the form of digital signals.


Computer hardware software

The software contains the various non-physical software components, which are the components that cannot be touched in dealing with the computer,

 and it is a group of basic software that is used to operate the computer.

The components of the software are as follows:

  • Operating systems: A group of programs is responsible for running a computer with coordination among all its hardware components, such as Linux, Windows, and macOS.
  • Programs and applications: They are several programs developed to obtain many different purposes and services for dealing with the computer.
