Best sites to make money blog: Let’s know it

The Best sites to make money blog. Everyone who owns a blog is looking for a way or a place to earn and earn money from his blog so that there is the best way that a beginner and an expert can rely on also in the field of profit from the Internet, which is to earn money from displaying ads on the blog. For this, we will show you the best sites to make money blog.

watch also How Can I Earn From Blogging

Best sites to make money blog

Best sites to make money blog

The Best sites to make money blog ads is Google Adsense, without a doubt, because it is affiliated with Google.

But in the beginning, your blog must contain some conditions to be accepted into Adsense, which are:

To be taken into Adsense, your blog must have the following conditions.

  • The first thing is to provide a domain and a quick Adsense admission form.
  • The second thing is to provide 30 or more blog articles for admission to Adsense.

Other things

  • The third thing is to provide a contact us page, who we are, and the privacy policy.
  • The fourth thing is to create pages for articles and put articles related to the same topic on one page.
  • The fifth and final thing is to create exclusive and unique content, not copied content and articles.

These conditions made a large group of people not accepted in Adsense.

And for this, we brought to you two sites that work with the exact Adsense mechanism.

We will talk about them in detail in the following headings.

The first site to make money from a blog is AdMaven

Best sites to make money blog

AdMaven is one of the best sites to make money blog companies to display ads on websites.

So that it ranks with the first companies to display ads after Google Adsense, of course.

Beth does not offer only one type of advertisement but rather offers many types, including:

  • The first type is banner advertising
  • The second type is pop-under ads
  • In the third type, we find direct advertisements
  • The fourth type is mobile ads
  • The fifth and last type is slider ads

What is distinctive about it?

It is distinctive because it provides many payment methods, including Paypal Pioneer and others.

You can also withdraw your winnings when you reach only $50.

As for the acceptance period, it is a short period, unlike Google Adsense.

The second site to make money from blogging is PopAds

PopAds is one of the best companies to display ads on websites.

So that it ranks first in displaying ads after Google Adsense and AdMaven, of course.

One of its advantages is the availability of more than one payment method.

It makes it the best alternative to Google Adsense.

The lowest payment price is 5 US dollars, and you pay when you request a withdrawal.

A company trusted by many people all over the world.

But it has a flaw: it shows annoying ads to visitors.

Conclusion about Best sites to make money blog. We should know that everyone who has not been accepted into Google Adsense does not worry about this because there are many alternatives to Google Adsense. You can make profits and earn money by displaying their ads on your blog.


